File name :DSCN1469.JPGFile size :570.0KB(583703Bytes)Shoot date :2002/09/21 04:02:04Picture size :2048 x 1360Resolution :72 x 72 dpiNumber of bits :8bit/channelProtection attribute :OffHide Attribute :OffCamera ID :N/AModel name :E995Quality mode :NORMALMetering mode :Multi-patternExposure mode :Programmed autoFlash :NoFocal length :23.6 mmShutter speed :1/321.9secondAperture :F5.5Exposure compensation:0 EVFixed white balance :AutoLens :Built-inFlash sync mode :N/AExposure difference :N/AFlexible program :N/ASensitivity :AutoSharpening :AutoCurve mode :N/AColor mode :COLORTone compensation :AUTOLatitude(GPS) :N/ALongitude(GPS) :N/AAltitude(GPS) :N/A
File name :DSCN0953.JPGFile size :570.6KB(584323Bytes)Shoot date :2002/09/03 04:13:38Picture size :2048 x 1360Resolution :72 x 72 dpiNumber of bits :8bit/channelProtection attribute :OffHide Attribute :OffCamera ID :N/AModel name :E995Quality mode :NORMALMetering mode :Multi-patternExposure mode :Programmed autoFlash :NoFocal length :27.2 mmShutter speed :1/382.5secondAperture :F6.0Exposure compensation:0 EVFixed white balance :AutoLens :Built-inFlash sync mode :N/AExposure difference :N/AFlexible program :N/ASensitivity :AutoSharpening :AutoCurve mode :N/AColor mode :COLORTone compensation :AUTOLatitude(GPS) :N/ALongitude(GPS) :N/AAltitude(GPS) :N/A
File name :DSCN0996.JPGFile size :582.1KB(596085Bytes)Shoot date :2002/09/04 05:37:27Picture size :2048 x 1360Resolution :72 x 72 dpiNumber of bits :8bit/channelProtection attribute :OffHide Attribute :OffCamera ID :N/AModel name :E995Quality mode :NORMALMetering mode :Multi-patternExposure mode :Programmed autoFlash :NoFocal length :10 mmShutter speed :1/83.9secondAperture :F3.2Exposure compensation:0 EVFixed white balance :AutoLens :Built-inFlash sync mode :N/AExposure difference :N/AFlexible program :N/ASensitivity :AutoSharpening :AutoCurve mode :N/AColor mode :COLORTone compensation :AUTOLatitude(GPS) :N/ALongitude(GPS) :N/AAltitude(GPS) :N/A
File name :DSCN1262.JPGFile size :612.8KB(627519Bytes)Shoot date :2002/09/14 06:35:15Picture size :2048 x 1360Resolution :72 x 72 dpiNumber of bits :8bit/channelProtection attribute :OffHide Attribute :OffCamera ID :N/AModel name :E995Quality mode :NORMALMetering mode :Multi-patternExposure mode :Programmed autoFlash :NoFocal length :8.2 mmShutter speed :1.0secondAperture :F2.6Exposure compensation:0 EVFixed white balance :AutoLens :Built-inFlash sync mode :N/AExposure difference :N/AFlexible program :N/ASensitivity :AutoSharpening :AutoCurve mode :N/AColor mode :COLORTone compensation :AUTOLatitude(GPS) :N/ALongitude(GPS) :N/AAltitude(GPS) :N/A
File name :DSCN1353.JPGFile size :546.5KB(559566Bytes)Shoot date :2002/09/18 03:51:36Picture size :2048 x 1360Resolution :72 x 72 dpiNumber of bits :8bit/channelProtection attribute :OffHide Attribute :OffCamera ID :N/AModel name :E995Quality mode :NORMALMetering mode :Multi-patternExposure mode :Programmed autoFlash :NoFocal length :8.2 mmShutter speed :1/19.6secondAperture :F2.6Exposure compensation:0 EVFixed white balance :AutoLens :Built-inFlash sync mode :N/AExposure difference :N/AFlexible program :N/ASensitivity :AutoSharpening :AutoCurve mode :N/AColor mode :COLORTone compensation :AUTOLatitude(GPS) :N/ALongitude(GPS) :N/AAltitude(GPS) :N/A
File name :DSCN1436.JPGFile size :627.2KB(642272Bytes)Shoot date :2002/09/20 03:08:23Picture size :2048 x 1360Resolution :72 x 72 dpiNumber of bits :8bit/channelProtection attribute :OffHide Attribute :OffCamera ID :N/AModel name :E995Quality mode :NORMALMetering mode :Multi-patternExposure mode :Programmed autoFlash :NoFocal length :25.3 mmShutter speed :1/3.9secondAperture :F4.5Exposure compensation:0 EVFixed white balance :AutoLens :Built-inFlash sync mode :N/AExposure difference :N/AFlexible program :N/ASensitivity :AutoSharpening :AutoCurve mode :N/AColor mode :COLORTone compensation :AUTOLatitude(GPS) :N/ALongitude(GPS) :N/AAltitude(GPS) :N/A
File name :DSCN1468.JPGFile size :558.6KB(572031Bytes)Shoot date :2002/09/21 04:01:52Picture size :2048 x 1360Resolution :72 x 72 dpiNumber of bits :8bit/channelProtection attribute :OffHide Attribute :OffCamera ID :N/AModel name :E995Quality mode :NORMALMetering mode :Multi-patternExposure mode :Programmed autoFlash :NoFocal length :31 mmShutter speed :1/307.8secondAperture :F5.8Exposure compensation:0 EVFixed white balance :AutoLens :Built-inFlash sync mode :N/AExposure difference :N/AFlexible program :N/ASensitivity :AutoSharpening :AutoCurve mode :N/AColor mode :COLORTone compensation :AUTOLatitude(GPS) :N/ALongitude(GPS) :N/AAltitude(GPS) :N/A