All images on this site are available as prints. I can accommodate various sizes (crops may vary slightly) and paper formats. I can also quote custom prints on alternative media (canvas, glass, metal). Standard pricing for Lustre or Matte finish prints is below. Prints will have 1-2 inch white border around the image area and my signature watermark will appear in the bottom border area - not infringing on any image area.
Identify the image you are interested in and use the contact form to message me the image, print size and format you are interested in. I will confirm pricing and payment method and fill your order as quickly as possible. If you are not sure how to identify the image you want, provide the gallery name (e.g. Galapagos Islands), what row and which number image in that row. I will confirm with you I have the correct image before printing.
While I've included many images in this portfolio, it does not represent my entire body of work. If you have a theme or motif you would like to create in a den, office space or other area, please contact me and let me know what you have in mind. I may be able to offer a collection of images that you can review at no obligation.
(Matte or Lustre finish prints - print only, shipping included)
5x7 - $30.00
8x10 - $45.00
11x14 - $60.00
16x20 - $75.00
(Matte or Lustre finish prints, mounted on mat board, shipping included)
5x7 - $40.00
8x10 - $55.00
11x14 - $70.00
16x20 - $90.00